Where, when, how?

Sabr's Daily
4 min readJul 29, 2022

Half of 2022 has gone by so quickly in the blink of our eyes. Time will always be an interesting concept, considering that we could never get it back nor do we know how much we have left. All that’s left is in our heads, heart, and handphones (lol). Summer is when students (and perhaps teachers, lecturers, and all academic-related occupations) get to enjoy the day even more, away from the hustle and bustle of the academic year. Releasing the stress by planning unrealized trips with friends, sleeping late, and waking up even later, and perhaps learning about things that we all don’t have the chance to do at school. That too has always been my routine for the last 21 years. However, something has changed this year as I am walking myself to the age of 22.

“Yeah, we’re happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time. It’s miserable and magical.” — Taylor Swift’s 22

2022 (so far) has its own characteristics. Although it might differ for everyone, this year is about changes for me. This is the year of transition, of me moving forward, of life that has taken me to a new road with a new pathway ahead. I moved back to Indonesia, did my Social Community Service, got dengue fever, celebrated Ied Fitr for the first time in my parents’ hometown after years, and was able to attain my degree(s) while doing my first ever internship. It’s a blessing in itself, although of course, I’ve only mentioned the good side of 2022. Let’s not talk about the other side for now.

With some more free time after graduating and moving from Groningen, I’ve been able to read and watch some of my ‘to-watch’ and ‘to-be-read’ lists although when watching it always ended up with me falling asleep in the middle of the show. Not that it’s a bad series/movie, it’s just that my attention span for TV shows seems to be decreasing these days. For books, I’ve been reading a variety of genres according to my liking. By setting my own 2022 reading target on Goodreads, I’ve been able to keep track of how many books I’ve read and this has been a great motivation for me to keep reading. I’ll tell you my fav of the year (year to date): The Midnight Library for fiction and the Psychology of Money (ongoing) for non-fiction. You may refer to my Goodreads to see more of my reading list!

All in all, there’s not much to write about today. This post is just like any other public diary of mine. I have been doing well and am trying my best to live a mindful and careful life. In case you’ve read this to the end, here’s a little message for you:

To all the messages left unresponded by/for me and to all the funny TikTok videos people have sent to/from me, I hope all is well for you too. Though I might never say it directly, I am wishing you composure and peace; anywhere, anywhen, anyhow.

Some of my 2022 (YTD) highlights
Some of my 2022 (YTD) highlights — 2

